As explained in Step#1, in order to take over the superhero business, you’re going to need nothing less than a universe of heroes, and all their backstories, and the entire cast of characters that reflect and support them. And you’re also going to need villains. A lot of them.
But if you don’t have any of that, don’t worry, a brand new universe has been created for you. All you have to do is follow GiantComix.
So how will Giant Comix takeover the superhero business?

Step #2: Go after the comic book business. Emphasis on the word “book”. As a private company just starting out, Giant Comix has no legacy contracts or arrangements that may constrain our operations or our margins. Giant Comix is private, not corporate, and we have the freedom to take a creative initiative. In short, Giant Comix is going to print comic books and we are going to sell them anywhere we can.
Kids can’t buy comic books anymore because their only sold in comic book shops in out-of-the-way places. Kids can get online comics but an online comic isn’t the same as an actual printed book. Printed books are special; they must be handled with special care. You can’t put an online comic in the plastic wrapper, and with online comics, you miss the visceral thrill of holding a piece of art in your hands.
So we’re going to print comic books again. No more sham interviews from the head of some comic book company who insists that its not profitable to sell comics in stores anymore. Tat’s a load of crap. The reason I can’t buy a comic book at 7-eleven is not because 7-eleven won’t sell them or they won’t make any money. The reason I can’t buy a comic book in 7-eleven anymore I simply because the profit margin from in-store sales are significantly less than the margins from online comics. If you make comic books to attain a high profit margin or satisfy investors, your not making comics to satisfy fans. So what’s the point?
At Giant Comix we’re going to let our artists create art. We’ll let the recent MBA grads go get jobs at Disney and Warner so they can keep cranking out those Batman v Supermans.
Giant Comix will establish it’s own distribution if need be. We will return comic books to grocery stores, gas stations, convenience stores, and malls. Maybe we’ll sell them like DVD Redbox.

Giant Comix is going to introduce a new generation of heroes to tomorrow’s generation of kids. We are going to deliver new stories. New adventures. New characters. These aren’t your grampa’s superheroes.
Good times are coming, kids.